I was at a loss for what to do next... [VIDEO]


When he took his final breath, I was at a loss for what to do next. All of the dreams and plans that I previously had shattered on the ground all around me. What do I do now? Where do I go from here? What does my future look like now? These are all questions I frantically asked as I tried to put the pieces of my life back together. In this week three devotional, I explain God's reply to me, and how sometimes we need to allow ourselves to go down to the basic responsibilities and priorities in our lives and build back up from there. 

Click the image below to view the full episode of Chapter 3: Do What You Know to Do. I have also designed a study guide for this video along with questions for the week. If you desire to use this study guide, a printable PDF version is provided by clicking the link below the video. Enjoy week three of the Beauty for My Ashes Devotional Series!     


Click Here For The Chapter 3 Study Guide PDF

Beauty for My Ashes 
Chapter Three 

Video Questions 

 1. When we are unsure of what lies ahead, we must do what we _____________________ to do. 


 2. In times of transitional seasons, we must figure out what our ____________________________ responsibilities are. 


3. When we experience transition, it is good to sit down and reevaluate our _____________________________. 


4. What are my basic _________________________________ and _____________________________? 


5. It’s okay to step back for a ____________________________. 


6. __________________________ on the basic priorities and responsibilities.   


  •  If you have a spouse and/or are raising a family, they should always be considered as one of your priorities  


7. You can begin to add tasks as you’re _______________________. 


8. Be able to __________________ and __________________ as needed. 


9. Don’t be ___________________________ about going back to the basics. 


  • Remember, this is only for a season 


Questions for the Week 

1. When is the last time you sat down and reevaluated all of your current commitments and responsibilities? 


2. Typically, there is a specific time frame for our commitments (i.e. six months, a school year, a sports season, a quarter, one year). Write down your current extra commitments (it may be something from work, school, church, volunteering, a project) and the time for which you committed. 


  • Have some of your commitments expired? If so, are they something you would like to recommit to or step back from? 


  • This is a helpful tool to use every 6-12 months to assure that you are not over-committing and getting out of balance.  


3. Is it difficult for you to “go back to the basics” for a season of time? Why or why not? 


4. Have you ever taken on a task or commitment, and like the hamster analogy, gotten off balance in life? How will you choose to respond if this occurs? 


5. We must remember that going to the basics is only temporary. It’s good for us to continue to dream and look ahead. List three tasks or commitments that you would like to pick up again or for the first time as you are able. 
