It's Time To Dream Again! [VIDEO]

Often times when we face tragedy and loss in our lives, we lose much more than we realize. Not only do we lose the person, relationship, home, job, finances, or whatever it may be; we often lose our motivation to wake up each morning. Our desire to live begins to fade away, and we start living life just going through the motions. In this week's devotional, I want to talk about our hopes and dreams after facing devastation and loss. I believe in my heart that for many of us, it's time to start dreaming again! Be encouraged as you listen to this week's "Beauty for My Ashes" devotional video! 

Click the image below to view the full video "A New Reason to Motivate Us Each Morning." I have also designed a study guide for this video along with questions for the week. If you desire to use this study guide, a printable PDF version is provided by clicking the link below the video.          

A New Reason To Motivate Us Each Morning Study Guide PDF


Beauty for My Ashes 
Chapter Nine 
Video Questions 

1. There are still dreams that you ________________ accomplish. 

2. There is a great _________________________ of witnesses cheering us on from Heaven. 

3. There are some dreams that you can ______________ accomplish without your loved one here. 

  •       This can be difficult because we not only lost a loved one, but we also lost a dream. 

4. These dreams we lay to rest are ___________________________________________ in our lives. 

5. It’s time to _________________________________ again! 

6. It is not in any way ____________________________________________ your loved one to start dreaming again. 

  •     Instead, it’s a way to honor your loved ones; carrying on their legacy while beginning your own. 


Questions for the Week 
1. During the video, I challenged you to set apart special time to spend with God this week. If there are dreams that you can no longer accomplish with your loved one gone, lay them down at His feet. Begin to ask Him for a new motivation and to awaken new dreams inside of you. 


2. Are there dreams you shared with your loved one that you can still accomplish in their honor? If so, what are they? How will you accomplish them? 


3. Did you notice a loss of motivation to move forward or accomplish your dreams when your loved one passed away? 


4. As you seek God, what is He showing you? What is a new desire or dream that is being awakened inside of you? If you cannot answer this right now, continue to seek God; in time He will reveal it to you. 


5. In times of loss, tragedy, or devastation, it’s important to remember to find new reasons to wake up each morning. When you begin to feel unmotivated or hopeless, begin searching and asking God for this new dream, desire or hope. He will always guide you in the right direction.